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Meet Trevor & Mikayla S.

Adoptive family
Family vacation to the Smoky Mountains

Dear Birthparent(s),

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile! We want you to know that we admire the strength and selfless love it takes for you to consider an adoption plan for your child. We are intimately aware of the complicated feelings that accompany adoption, as Mikayla was adopted as an infant and has experienced the complex emotions that come with this process. We feel that this personal experience will guide us in ensuring our child(ren) feel safe, knowledgeable, and so very loved. For us, adoption is not a last resort. Instead, it is the way that we have both felt called to grow our family for many years and is the deepest desire of our hearts. We desire to know you, to love you, and to honor you as part of our family and hope to have an adoption with openness to your comfort.

Our Story

We met in 2017 while we were both in college at Bowling Green State University, were engaged in 2020, and got married in 2021. Since becoming married, we have so enjoyed our time traveling, growing, and building our lives together. We live in a diverse neighborhood within Columbus, OH where we own a home with a fenced-in backyard. We love exploring the many restaurants and experiences that Columbus has to offer. In our free time, we enjoy quiet movie nights at home, exploring the metro parks, and visiting family members. We are both active members of our church and our faith is a big part of our lives.

Great couple wants to adopt
Taking a dip at a local garden

Meet Trevor

Trevor earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Bowling Green State University and now works for a digital marketing company as an Account Manager.

Trevor, as told by Mikayla: “Trevor is the most kind-hearted, fun-loving, and thoughtful person I have had the pleasure of knowing. He inspires me every day with the unique ability he has to connect with people and the genuine desire he has to make others feel known, seen, and loved. Trevor is creative and passionate. He loves deeply and is not afraid to embarrass himself to make someone laugh. Trevor is my best friend and the most wonderful partner to have in this life. I have no doubt that Trevor will be the most caring father because he is already the best husband, son, brother, uncle, and friend. I cannot wait to see Trevor take on this new role as a father.”

Meet Mikayla

Mikayla earned her master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati and is a speech-language pathologist who works with children from birth to three years-old.

Mikayla, as told by Trevor: “My wife Mikayla is the most kind hearted, smiley, loving, and silly person you will ever meet. The best way I can describe her is “the human form of sunshine.” She’s always there for not only me, but for everyone she loves in both good times and bad. She is an incredibly driven individual which is shown through her profession as a pediatric speech therapist. Everyday when she comes home, her face lights up with a smile and she has at least 2 stories about one of the kiddos she saw that day. If I was a betting man, I would bet everything that I own that Mikayla is going to be the best mom in the world whenever we are blessed with a child.”

A happy family for my child
Smiling big for our friends’ wedding in the park

Thank you

We appreciate the time you’ve taken to get to know us and hope this process, while difficult, brings you the peace that you deserve. More than anything, we want you to feel loved, honored, and admired for the person you are.

With love and respect,
Trevor and Mikayla

Our Family At a Glance

We live in a diverse neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio.
Mikayla works as a pediatric speech-language pathologist and Trevor works as an account manager.
Our hobbies include exploring new metro parks, playing with our dog, and spending time with
loved ones.
We have been a couple since 2017 and got married in 2021.
We believe that creating an atmosphere of openness, honesty, and celebration of an adopted child’s background is essential and we would love to honor you in that.

For more information about our family, please contact Adoption Link at 1-800-643-3356.