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Curious about adoption?

Contact us anytime during your pregnancy or directly from the hospital. We are able to help you at any time.

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Answers to Your Most Common Questions

What if I just gave birth and never called you before? Will you still work with me?
Absolutely. We are happy to work with you whenever you’re ready.

What if I get home from the hospital and then decide to choose adoption for my child?
You may choose adoption at any time.

Are my expenses paid?
Yes. You will receive help with living expenses up to $3,000. That’s your right, and it’s the law in Ohio; Adoption Link enforces that right for you.

Can your agency help with prenatal care or delivery costs?
Yes, we can help you get established with medical care, help with transportation, and with getting insurance coverage. The adoptive family is responsible for all medical expenses incurred for the birthmother as well as the child.

How do you screen the adoptive parents you work with?
All of our waiting adoptive families have worked with our social workers and have completed a homestudy, which includes thorough background checks, as well as in-home visits.

Can I choose a family for my baby?
Absolutely. You may select the family for your child, or we can do so on your behalf. You can be as involved as you like, from looking at profiles, to meeting with adoptive families.

Is it selfish to place a child for adoption?
No. Wanting the best for your child is an act of love. Adoption is anything but selfish. It may be a difficult decision, but it is a truly loving and caring decision, too.

How soon after birth can my baby go to the parents I choose?
Your child can leave the hospital with the adoptive family. Your attorney (whom we provide for you), the Adoption Link social worker, and you will meet three days after the birth of the baby to sign the final paperwork. You never have to appear in court. We can meet at your home or any location you choose.

How can I be sure my child will not be mistreated?
Adoptive families approved by Adoption Link have met a rigorous set of standards. Further, in an open adoption, you will see for yourself how well your child is cared for and loved.

How much will my child know about me?
Your child will have all the information you choose to share – a medical history, as well as any other information you wish to pass along. If you have chosen open adoption, you may wish to create a scrapbook about your life to pass along to your child.

What about the birthfather?
If you disagree on adoption or you no longer have a relationship with him, we will work to determine how his rights can be terminated. According to Ohio law, you are not responsible for talking with him about adoption, before or after birth.

Can I name my child?
Yes. You may choose the name for your child’s original birth certificate. You may even want to work with the adoptive family to choose a name together.

Can I meet the adoptive family?
Yes. A meeting can be arranged by your Adoption Link social worker so that you can get to know the adoptive family.

What are the benefits to an adoption?
If you are not ready to be a parent, you can still give your baby the gift of life by choosing adoption. You can plan your baby’s future by selecting a stable, loving family to care for your baby. At birth, you can see your baby, name your baby, and love your baby. If you so choose, you can get updates on your child’s progress while you continue your education or career goals.

How much will my child know about me?
Your child will have all the information that you choose to share. Your Adoption Link social worker will help you complete a social and medical history. You can also include any other information that you wish to pass along. If you have chosen an open adoption, you may wish to create a scrapbook about your life to provide to the child.

What if I just want pictures and letters?
The adoptive family is happy to send you pictures and letters every month for a year and four times a year thereafter, unless you have asked for more or less.