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Meet Adam & Taylor W.

Adoptive family

Dear Birthparents,

We are Adam and Taylor. We have been married for 4 years and have two mini-Australian shepherds Brodie and Redick that are our world. Taylor is a 7th grade math teacher and Adam is a manager in the fitness industry. We have 10 nieces and nephews all together and we love creating yearly traditions with them. If you choose us as adoptive parents, your child will become a cherished part of our family built on love, compassion, and a commitment to creating beautiful memories together.

Lovely couple wants to adopt

Our story is one of resilience, faith, and a shared passion for sports. On our first date we played one on one basketball at a local park and have been inseparable ever since. Our shared love of basketball and fitness brought us together initially, but what kept us together was our work ethic and drive. We both believe that If you are humble, kind, and hard working, great things will come your way.

Together we have endured 3 challenging years of infertility and faced the heartache of 2 failed IVF attempts. However, these trials only made our bond stronger and led us down the path of adoption. We wholeheartedly believe that adoption is the way we are meant to become parents, and we would be so grateful for the opportunity to provide a loving home for your child.

Great parents for your child
Our annual Christmas card photo

The more we have learned about adoption, the more we have learned how great open adoption can be for everyone involved. We are committed to making sure our child will have the opportunity to know their unique story, their birth family, and the love that surrounds them from all sides.

With great respect,
Adam and Taylor

Adam describes Taylor as:


Taylor describes Adam as:

Family Oriented

Our Family At a Glance

We live in Northeast Ohio
We work as a 7th grade math teacher and a manager in the fitness industry.
Our hobbies include walking or playing with our dogs, basketball, working out, tennis, golfing, boxing, and reading.

Adam has:
2 sisters and 1 brother
8 nieces and nephews

Taylor has:
2 sisters and 1 brother
4 nieces and nephews

For more information about our family, please contact Adoption Link at 1-800-643-3356.