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Meet Adam & Julia B.
Dear Birth Parent,
We are so honored that you are taking the time to learn more about our family as you consider making an adoption plan for your child. We love children, we love God, and we would love to welcome a child into our loving home, family, and community. We also desire to fully welcome YOU into our hearts, and that your love for your child will remain in their life forever. We would count it a privilege to get to know you, and are praying for you and your child as you sacrificially and courageously care for them in this way.
We have talked about our mutual desire to adopt since we were first dating.
Meet Julia & Adam
We are both natives of the Dayton area and have been married since 2013. We love spending time together whether outdoors, date nights, at home together, or serving together. We have talked about our mutual desire to adopt since we were first dating, and after finding out about infertility in 2020 we knew adoption was God’s path for us. We are so excited to finally be able to take this step and for the gift and joy it would be to grow our family in this way.
Julia is a warm and caring wife, who kids flock to for hugs! She teaches piano lessons to 20+ students a week, and loves spending time with our nieces and nephews and kids from church. She enjoys musicals, deep conversations, taking walks, and being creative. Julia has been caring for and working with children since she was in middle school, and would be such a nurturing and loving mom!
Adam is a kind and peaceful husband, who faithfully serves our family and our church. He works in cybersecurity at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and also serves as one of the pastors at our church. He enjoys reading, chess, playing drums and bagpipes, and loves Ireland and Scotland. He is lighthearted and laughs easily, providing our marriage with much joy, and would be such a joyful and loving dad!
Our little family is part of a large and loving family.
Our Village
They say “it takes a village,” and we truly have one! Our little family is part of a large and loving family, with both of our parents living within a half hour of our home and extended family that we see often. Our 7 nieces and nephews are a joy to spend time with, and are eagerly asking about adoption every time we see them! We also have a wonderful local church community, with many families living close by who love and care for us well. We have so many people we can call for help and support, and lots of little friends for our future child!
We would love to welcome a child into our loving home, family, and community.
Our Hope
Our hope is to welcome a child into our hearts and home forever, and to care for and love them with all that we have. We also desire to share that love with you through an open adoption relationship. We are praying for you as you make this difficult decision, that God will comfort you and give you direction and peace.
With love and gratefulness,
Adam & Julia Brown
Our Family At a Glance
We live in Dayton, Ohio, and have been married since 2013.
Adam works in cybersecurity and also serves as a pastor of our church, and Julia teaches piano and voice lessons out of our home.
We enjoy music, hiking, serving at church, and spending time with friends and family.
We believe adoption is a beautiful picture of the heart of God and how He adopts us as His children. We also believe open adoption is beautiful and best for all involved!
For more information about our family, please contact Adoption Link at 1-800-643-3356.